
Tim McArthur talks to Queerguru about his semi-biographical play SMALL TOWN BOY on the eve of its premiere in London’s Union Theatre

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Brit TIM McARTHUR is something of a modern renaissance man : when it comes to the theatre there is very little he hasn’t done . He has just finished a smash run this summer as Sister Mary Playtime in Provincetown, and is now back home in London rehearsing his new play SMALL TOWN BOY.  It’s plot is based on a remarkable true story which totally fascinated us.

It all happened one summer in New York just a couple of years ago when Tim was introduced to another Brit gay man who happened to have grown up in a small town in the North of England, just a few miles from Tim’s home town. When chatting further they discovered totally unknown to each other they had actually both dated the same man at the same time . Its the stuff that (gay) dreams are made so we HAD to know more so we tracked him down to the Union Theatre in London on the eve of the play’s premiere …..

Todd Alsup talks about his fab new shows ELTON UNDRESSED and DONNA, DISCO + US in PTown this year

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Singer, songwriter and keyboardist Todd Alsup is passionate at performing his favorite classic queer music which not only delights his loyal band of fans but also introduces it all to whole new generations in the gay community. Last year when QUEERGURU met the charismatic performer at The Crown and Anchor in Provincetown his show was a celebration of the music of GEORGE MICHAEL (https://queerguru.com/todd-alsup-freedom-the-music-of-george-michael/),

This summer he has turned his attention to another Brit queer singer/songwriter ELTON JOHN (That’s Sir Elton to you!) who has remarkably been making chart topping music over 50 years + writing the music for a few Broadway smash hit musical. on the side! Sir Elton has also been known. for his flamboyant outfits and behavior, but Todd has chosen to focus purely in the music in his UNSTRIPPED Show,

Also this summer he is delighting crowds with another show DONNA, DISCO + US, Miss Summer was the undisputed Queen of Disco in the 1970’s thanks to all her queer friends, and then we fell out of love with her when she was reported to have made some nasty homophobic remarks. Now most of us cannot remember exactly what went down, but regardless of that, the music that the late singer (she died of cancer in 2012) defined that generation and set every gay bar so alive.

Then it that is not enough this summer, Todd is also the musical director for VARLA JEAN MERMAN who is considered Drag Royalty in PTown . Her new show is called THE ERRORS TOUR …. and if you miss it this summer (shame on you) then they are literally taking it on the road this Fall .

Todd Alsup has an infectious sense of humor, but it his sheer anergy and passion that makes it such a joy to share time with.

The interview was filmed in The Crown and Anchor by Dan Desjardins

Trans filmmaker SILAS HOWARD talks to Queerguru about Queer Rhapsody in LA ,and also about his body of work

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DARBY AND THE DEAD, directed by SILAS HOWARD, is an LGBTQ+ historic landmark as one of the first (and likely the first) studio-made films directed by an out trans masculine LGBTQ+ filmmaker. It is about to be screened in the new LTBTQIA+ film series QUEER RHAPSODY taking place in multiple city-wide venues in Los Angeles July 19 – 28, 2024. Important for its inclusivity both in front of and behind the camera,

DARBY is a sly LGBTQ+ allegory of outsiders struggling to fit in, and finding unlikely friendships amid the universal challenges of joys of finding belonging. After the (temporary?) demise of OUTFEST, Queer Rhapsody was motivated by a need to ‘create art spaces for communal engagement for queer identities under fire’,” said series organizer May Hong HaDuong, director of the UCLA Film and Television Archive. Silas talked abut this and his most impressive resume of queer movies and TV series with QUEERGURU ….. even touching on his latest work, directing some episodes for a brand new queer TV series for Netflix

Trans masc filmmaker MARVAL A REX talks with Queerguru about SPOOKABLE his new queer werewolf film screening at Frameline

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Marval A Rex’s resume reveals he is an actor, writer, actor, comedian, astrologer and heartthrob!  When we we caught up with him we found out that this strikingly articulate trans-masculine filmmaker is also disarmingly charming.

He has just co-written and co starred in SPOOKABLE a humorous offbeat trans werewolf horror story which premieres this Sunday June 23 as part of Frameline’s Fun In Shorts short film program. Queerguru’s reviewer Ris Fatah had declared the film ‘a real gem” so we were keen to talk to him about his entertaining wee film that was made by a trans cast and a trans crew.

PS You can also read Queerguru’s full review of the film https://queerguru.com/queergurus-ris-fatah-reviews-spookable-a-humorous-offbeat-trans-werewolf-horror-story/


Writer/director BENJAMIN HOWARD talks about his beautiful coming-of-age film RILEY

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RILEY is a beautiful coming-of-age tale set in contemporary, suburban Southern California. Based on writer/director BENJAMIN HOWARD‘s own experiences as a high-school athlete who’s not out yet, he has been able to draw on all those angst-ridden situations we face as closeted teenagers. This is writer/director’s debut feature and he talked with Queerguru on the eve of the movie’s screening at Miami’s OUTshine Film Festival

P.S.  You can check out Queerguru’s full review of RILEY  ….HERE

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