
Zach Meiners talks about CONVERSION : a film about the evils of conversion therapy that every gay man and woman should see.

    Filmmaker Zach Meiners own personal journey as a late ‘bloomer’ coming out as a gay man kickstarted this documentary into existence. He was horrified to discover that his former conversion “therapist” was still active,. Thankfully he channelled his anger to begin this film as an endeavor to amplify and empower the voices of … Continue reading

Zachary Balber : Jews With Tattoos

  We kicked off our ART BASEL coverage really early  this year  when we went to the Opening of Miami based photographer Zachary Balber stunning exhibit TAMIM at Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU , and we managed to get a few words with the ebullient and disarmingly charming man himself. Balber explained that the Hebrew word … Continue reading

Posted by queerguru  at  01:13


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