
Queer actor/performer MATTHEW BALDWIN talks about getting paid to be an Evil Queen (and much more )

    Brit queer actor/writer/performer …… and Pantomime Dame aficionado …. Matthew Baldwin talks about his ninth season starring in this quintessential English (queer) art form. Queerguru advised Baldwin that this would be the first time ever we had interviewed a Queen who was paid to be evil!  This Holiday Season at Londo’n’s Charing Cross … Continue reading

Queer auteur BRUCE LaBRUCE ‘Filmmaker On The Edge’ talks with Queerguru

  The Canadian auteur Bruce LaBruce is one of the very best queer filmmakers:  part queercore, part queer punk, part pornographer …… (who actually hates labels…..), and who is always pushing the envelope with his work. He combines more conventional narrative and filmmaking techniques with his appetite interest for extreme topics, and many have explicit … Continue reading

Queer auteur JOSEPH WILSON talks about IL WIDNA his dystopian take on Thatcher’s Anti-LGBTQ Laws

  In 1988 Margaret Thatcher introduced a hate-filled anti-LGBTQ Law called CLAUSE 28 which was to effectively ban the promotion of homosexuality. Even now some 30 years later it’s left a bitter memory within the LGBTQ Community for its sheer pernisciousness. Brit filmmaker Joseph Wilson‘ talks to QUEERGURU about his short dystopian film that follows … Continue reading

Queer Bolivian filmmaker Rodrigo Bellott talks about his stunning TU ME MANQUES

  On the eve of his movie TU ME MANQUES being made available streaming globally, Queerguru tracked down director Rodrigo Bellott in Bolivia to talk about his film. It is one of the very rare queer movies to come out of his country,  and Initially, it encountered controversy but then it ended up being their … Continue reading

Queer Brit comic Mark Bittlestone talks about his new show I NEED A STRAIGHT MAN that he is performing at Edinburgh Festival Fringe

  Mark Bittlestone claims he is the only gay comic in the world. Which in his neck of woods in the UK is known as a ‘porky pie’. He is however part of a new wave of younger comedians who are really making waves around the globe. QUEERGURU caught up with him as he was … Continue reading

Posted by queerguru  at  01:13


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