
Celebrity Chef Michele Ragussis cooks for queerguru (again).

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Michele Ragussis Celebrity TV Chef & Executive Chef at The Central House in The Crown & Anchor whipped up her Lobster Pappardelle for queerguru aka Roger Walker-Dack as they chatted about loving food and life in an episode we call ‘Eat Your Heart out Levi Kreis. (if you watch the video, you’ll know why)

Filmed by Judy Rolfe for P.T.V. 


Michele Ragussis Cooks ‘Crack’ Cauliflower

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For our 5th episode of QUICKIES WITH QUEERGURU Food Network Chef Michele Ragussis cooked her favorite CRACK CAULIFLOWER (you’ll have to watch the video to see why it is called this). It may be her easiest and most delicious quickie to date.

Filmed at the Central House at The Crown Provincetown MA by #HusseinWentz for www.queergurutv.com

Michele Ragussis makes FABULOUS FETTUCCINE

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For the 4th Episode of ‘QUICKIES WITH QUEERGURU’ Executive Chef Michele Ragussis whose mission in live is to help us all put out, cooked FABULOUS FETTUCCINE : the perfect summer dish to feed your own summer ‘dish’

Filmed at Central House at The Crown Provincetown MA by #HusseinWentz for ‘queerguru.tv’


P.S.  Don’t forget to check out previous episodes : Tantalizing Tuna Tartar, Spicy Mexican Shrimp, and Very Sexy Mussels.  Be sure to signup to queerguru.com to get all the updates so that you never miss a single episode

Michele Ragussis : Quickies with Queerguru 1

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Food Network Star Chef Michele Ragussis who is now the Executive Chef at the Central House, in Provincetown’s Crown & Anchor chooses to cook her take of Tuna Tartar for a brand new series on PTV’s Channel 99 called Michele Ragussis : Quickies with Queerguru. Each episode over the summer Michele will show us how to eat delicious foods without having to spend too much time in the kitchen ….. as everybody in P.Town (and elsewhere) always loves a quickie.


Be sure to check back here, or sign on at www.queerguru.com, so you don’t miss a single episode.

Michele Ragussis : Quickies with Queerguru 2

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queerguru is back in the kitchens of Central House at The Crown Provincetown MA with Executive Chef Michele Ragussis for our second episode of QUICKIES with QUEERGURU. This week Michele tells us the secret of making Mexican Shrimp Cocktail one of the hot new menu items she is serving up right now , and which takes all of 20 minutes to make.

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