
Mr & Mr Berry enthuse about Peregrine Theater’s latest critically acclaimed musical CABARET

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Adam Berry & Ben Berry with their Peregrine Theatre Ensemble (along with David Drake at the Provincetown Theater) must take the lions share of the credit for raising the bar of theatrical productions so high in recent years in #PTown that is befitting the Birthplace of American Theater. Their flawless production of the musical CABARET is a sheer delight from the very first notes of the overture until the very dramatic closing scene.

They talked with QUEERGURU about their passion for being part of the Towns’ theater and their commitment to continue giving so many young talented players an opportunity to practice their craft. It is so tough not being swept away with their enthusiasm 


The interview conducted by Roger Walker-Dack was filmed by Dan Desjardins in Fishermen Hall



P.S. Queerguru thinks you may want to check out these other interviews with The Berrys.



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