
Filmmaker COREY SHERMAN talks about his debut feature BIG BOYS on the eve of its US Premiere at WICKED QUEER

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On the eve of the US Premiere of BIG BOYS at Wicked Queer, Boston’s LGBTQ Film Festival, we catch up with the film’s writer/director Corey Sherman. This feature film debut of his is a heart-string-pulling coming-of-age about unrequited love with a difference. Jamie, the protagonist ( a breakthrough performance from 14-year-old Isaac Krasner) is not the conventional well-turned-out teen which not only gives the story a real edge but makes it undeniably compelling and a sheer joy to watch





Jennifer Reeder talks about Signature Move

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Signature Move is unquestionably one of THE must talked about lesbian movies of 2017. This modern day romance about women from two different cultures has been feted with Gala Screenings at Festivals all around the globe.  Last week it was the Closing Night Movie at London’s BFI Flare Film Festival, and on Sunday next it will be playing at  the  Cleveland International Film Festival.  Before that however it has been selected as the Opening Night Gala Film at Wicked Queer, Boston’s prestigious LGBT Film Festival on Thursday 30th March 2017.

queerguru caught up with director Jennifer Reeder at her home in Chicago just before she left to catch the plane to Boston, and she talked to us exclusively for P.T.V. about why her movie was such a hot ticket right now.

This queerguru reports was filmed by Roger Walker-Dack for P.T.V. For our full review of the movie go to  http://c3f.ab6.myftpupload.com/2017/03/signature-move


Jordan Bryon on BIRDS IN THE BORDERLANDS which looks at gender and sexual identity in the Middle East

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Australian qenderqueer filmmaker JORDAN BYRON spent 5 years in the Middle East documenting the lives of local queer people whose sexuality was causing both them and their families to be shunned and physically harmed. Their powerful & thought provoking film is having its US Premiere at Wicked Queer: The Boston LGBT Film Festival very soon .

We called Jordan in Kabul, Afghanistan via Skype to film this interview to talk about the film and how all the films subjects were fairing

P.S, You can read Queerguru’s review of the film HERE

Mikko Makela about his Moment In The Reeds

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When we were in London his weekend we caught up with Finnish filmmaker #MikkoMakela to talk about his delightful romantic drama A Moment in the Reeds that has been selected as the Opening Night Gala at Wicked Queer: The Boston LGBT Film Festival this week.

Filmed for www.queergurutv.com by Sandy MacLennan @ East Central Studios, Hoxton

queerguru reviews Southwest of Salem : The story of The San Antonio 4

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This is one of those hard-to-believe it’s true stories that never really grabbed the attention of the media so when you come to it in ignorance and it unfolds on the screen and you hear the horrifying incredulous details, you cannot fail to be stunned into a combination of shock and anger.  The latter particularly if you identify as LGBT as this outrageous case of mis-justice is deeply rooted in intransigent homophobia.

queerguru reviews Southwest of Salem : The San Antonio 4 for P.T.V.   The movie has a special screening at Boston’s Wicked Queer Festival on February 27th 2017.


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