
Support the LONDON TRANS PRIDE March on July 27th

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  Under the present political climate , now more than. ever it  is so important  for ALL of us to support our trans brothers and sisters.  One way is through LONDON TRANS PRIDE which was established in response to the daily injustices trans+ people face and to create an event where all trans+ people can … Continue reading

Queerguru’s Andrew Hebden reviews “Dr Adam Perchard and Richard Thomas: Interview with the Vamp”

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    Dr Adam Perchard on Interview With The Vamp Soho Theatre, London   ****    If you were lucky enough to see Jonny Woo’s one night only All Star Cabaret at the Theatre Royal Stratford East at the end of last year  then you would have got a too brief taste of the hyper realistic … Continue reading

Queerguru’s Ris Fatah reviews ‘Dizney in Drag: Once Upon A Parody’ …. an absolute riot!

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  ✭✭✭✭✭ We all want a happy ending but in 2024 what exactly constitutes a happy ending and how do we set about achieving one? Western Australia based queer collective The Hairy Godmothers have the answer in their hilarious, yet warm-hearted, award-winning show, Dizney in Drag: Once Upon A Parody, currently on at London’s Underbelly … Continue reading

ULTRAVIOLET : by Kkweer Arts a non-profit dedicated to amplifying queer artists in London UK

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  Much is said about the reduction globally in the number of queer bars and clubs, and whilst that is true – for the various reasons of which we are all aware – queer art, film, theatre and performance is thriving in an unprecedented manner. London remains a world leader in queer culture with both … Continue reading

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