
A Midsummer’s Night Dream from The Folger Theatre in DC

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  The Folger Theatre actually built a purpose-made theatre from the ground up inside the majestic Great Hall of DC’s National Building Museum.  Its a grand setting for their stunning production of Shakespeare’s most magical comedy, A Midsummer Night’s Dream.  Directed by Victor Malana Maog, it’s a wonder-filled  90 minute production, full of romantic delight … Continue reading

Gay & single in Washington DC then head to the Speed Dating Event TONIGHT

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  Single and at a loose  end in Washington DC tonight?  Then this could just be your lucky night if you scoot over to the  Figleaf Bar & Lounge. in Hotel Zena where you may finally meet your Mr Right.  Or failing that Mr Right Now  In conjunction with DC Fray Magazine, they are holding … Continue reading

MId-Atlantic Leather Weekend : a 3 Day Party : Perverts Welcome

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  Not made plans for the weekend and feel like mixing with a few hundred (other) perverts?  Then you in luck, you just need tio get yourself to Washington DC  where they are hosting the annual Pervert Party as apart of the 44th  Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend, Come 11pm on Friday 17th  DJ’s CINDEL and Flavio Zarza … Continue reading

Queer Beer Festival

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    HOP CULTURE X NEW BELGIUM PRESENT QUEER BEER Hop Culture x New Belgium presents Queer Beer, a craft beer festival celebrating the unique, vibrant voices of the queer community in the industry including queer-owned and/or operated breweries or breweries that have demonstrated a dedication to supporting the LGBTQIA+ community. Join us to enjoy … Continue reading

Stripping Off in the cold streets of Washington DC for the annual Cupids Run

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    Whilst Her Excellency Madam Ambassador to the US  Dame Karen Pierce was busy at the Little Gay Pub in Washington DC the other day (NO … she wasn’t drinking inside…… see HERE) elsewhere people were stripping off and taking to the streets.  Literally.  The occasion was  Cupid’s Undie Run, an annual fundraiser for … Continue reading

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