
Fanny Cradock : How we Brits Used To Cook

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In the 1950’s and right up to the mid 1970’s there was only one cookery queen who ruled Britain’s TV programs : Fanny Cradock.  She pre-dated all the celebrity chefs, even Julia Child, and was quintessentially English right down to her snobby accent and the dreadful fussy dresses that she wore to cook. For the … Continue reading

‘Hi Di Hi’ the three little words that made Ruth Madoc a Star and a gay icon.

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      Ruth Madoc   16 April 1943  _  9 December 2022 (aged 79)  RIP From 1980 – 1988 Hi Di Hi was one of the most successful sit-coms on British Television.  Irs setting was a Holiday Camp in the 1950s  which was then the most popular vacation destination for blue-collar families still recovering from … Continue reading

How Madonna was a primadonna when she appeared on Will & Grace

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  The openly gay British chat show host Graham Norton never fails to worm the very best stories out of his guests, and when he recently had Eric McCormack and Debra Messing on his Show to talk about the revival of Will & Grace (just being screened on TV in the UK), he got some juicy dirt on … Continue reading

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