
AHF are marking CONDOM DAY with a West Side Story Burlesque

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  AHF presents a #westsidestory burlesque parody for #internationalcondomday 2022!! We have live performances in Houston, Tampa, Orlando and Ft.Lauderdale, and tickets are FREE!! Please check out https://t.co/LXtl31ueMg for more information.#ICD #gettested #knowyourstatus pic.twitter.com/9TZNX6he6v — AIDS Healthcare (@AIDSHealthcare) January 12, 2022 T  

The annual global International Condom Day is very conveniently on the eve on Valentines Day

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      We wonder if the person who declared that the annual International Condom Day would be on Feb 13th ……i.e. on the eve of Valentine’s…. had a wicked sense of humor, or knew that the sale of these contraceptives peaked that month. Anyway with a combination of both latex and love AHF (AIDS … Continue reading

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