
Christopher Sousa : New Work

  Christopher Sousa our favorite queer artist in P.Town has a brand new Exhibit next week that we cannot wait to see. Sousa is like a breath of fresh air in this town as you’ll see none of the seascapes, or cute Cape Cod Cottages, or ubiquitous flower gardens that seem to clutter up every … Continue reading

Cha Cha Bitch

It’s Friday.  The working week is over, so it’s time get your party clothes on and just ‘Cha Cha Bitch’.  You need to put to your heart and soul into it to just like LA performer AB Soto who plays almost all the parts in this wonderful upbeat camp-as-Christmas video that you will not be … Continue reading

Christopher Souza : A Door Within The Fire

Not all of Provincetown’s several dozen art galleries have chocolate-box-cover pictures of white Cape Cod cottages in flower strewn gardens.  A few like A.M.P. exhibit the work of extraordinary Massachusetts native artists that reflect the vibrant community that make this far-flung tip of the peninsula such a crucial summer destination. July 1st sees them hosting the … Continue reading

Congratulations Doctor George Takei

Congratulations to George  Takei,  actor, director, author, and activist for many causes including LGBT rights who has just received another well deserved award in the form of an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters during Cal State LA’s Commencement. queerguru sat down with Takei one of our very favorite people last summer for an interview we … Continue reading

Chris Mosier : Unlimited Courage

The only reason that Duathlon athlete Chris Mosier is not competing in the Rio right now is the fact that this grueling endurance sport which involves biking and running is not a recognized Olympic event. The fact that he is a transgender male would not be an issue as new rules issued by the International Olympic Committee … Continue reading

Posted by queerguru  at  01:15


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