The Team


Creator, Owner, Editor-in-Chief

Miami Beach, FL / Provincetown, MA


Member of G.A.L.E.C.A. (Gay & Lesbian Entertainment Critics Association) and NLGJA The Association of LGBT Journalists. and The Online Film Critics Society. Ex Contributing Editor The Gay Uk & Contributor Edge Media Former CEO and Menswear Designer of  Roger Dack Ltd in the UK one of the hardest-working journalists in the businessMicheal Goff of Towleroad



jK2zRuRd_400x400-150x150.jpgANDREW HEBDEN :

Film & Culture Contributing Editor London, UK  

He is a MEDIA & CULTURAL STUDIES graduate spending his career between London, Beijing, and NYC as an expert in media and social trends. As part of the expanding minimalist FIRE movement, he recently returned to the UK and lives in Soho. He devotes as much time as possible to the movies, theatre and gym.His favorite thing is to try something (anything) new every day.




Contributing Editor 

London & Ibiza

Queerguru Contributing Editor Ris Fatah is a successful fashion/luxury business consultant  (when he can be bothered) who divides and wastes his time between London and Ibiza. He is a lover of all things queer, feminist, and human rights in general.



José Mayorga  Contributor

Guatemala, Central America lawyer and notary public, visual artist, and editor of El Azar Culturallives and works in Guatemala City. Cinema lover, curious about the possibilities life brings and eager to live the experience.





Provincetown, MA

ALLISON ANANIS is a graduate of Bowdoin College and also holds a Master of Public Administration from Suffolk University. Currently, she works in Health and Human Services in Boston where she also resides with her wife Meg. Weekends are spent in Provincetown where the incessant playing of her eclectic choice of music very loudly brought her to the attention of Queerguru’s Editor



Robert Malcolm
He is an Interior Designer who relocated from London to his home town of Edinburgh in 2019. Under the pen name of Bobby Burns he had his first novel, a gay erotic thriller called Bone Island published by Homofactus Press in 2011.


James Judd

Guest Contributor


 James Judd is a freelance writer, a performer, a frequent contributor to NPR, and a Creativity Coach. He lives on Cape Cod.




Literary Reviewer

Provincetown, MA

He has been an avid reader all his (very long) life? and is finally putting his skills to good use. He lives in Provincetown full time with his husband Jim, having finally given up the bright lights of Boston and now haunts the streets mumbling to himself that no one reads anymore …




Health & Lifestyle Contributor 

Queensland, Australia

He is a gay health and lifestyle writer at QUEER VOICES magazine. Besides writing, he worked as a freelance fashion stylist in Europe and Australia. A true craft beer and soy latte aficionado, he loves spending his days at the beach and visiting second-hand stores on a daily basis. 

Follow Peter on TWITTER for more tips.




Culture, Fashion and Arts Correspondent

Lancing UK

Graham Fraser was once half of the award-winning FASHION DESIGNER duo WORKERS FOR FREEDOM. Years spent working in theluxury end of INTERNATIONAL FASHION he now lives with his partner the artist RICHARD NOTT and their two Cavapoos Albert and Raf in a stunning renovated 1950’s house on the edge of the Sussex Downs with distant sea views.




Fort Lauderdale 

Steven Bitkower was born in New Jersey and spent 20+ years living in NYC. He has a love of dance music and has a history of being a mobile/Club DJ.






Brewster MA

Janet Prolman was born in Boston, Massachusetts, where her mother nicknamed her “my little queer.” She has also lived in North Carolina and New York. A lover of short stories, theater, music, and performance, she knows the lyrics to almost every song or advertising jingle she’s ever heard.Now on Cape Cod, she enjoys kayaking and frequenting Provincetown.





Provincetown, MA / Fort Lauderdale, FL