
2022 Loudest Whispers Art Exhibition to celebrate LGBTQ History Month in the UK

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  The Arts Project in London, UK was born in 2003 through a prism of light and reflection. An unloved and down at heels space-separated two buildings linked to The Conference Centre at St Pancras Hospital. This neglected space became alive with glimmers of possibility. Over the past 2 decades, the gallery prospered via the … Continue reading

Andrew Sedgwick Guth’s art that all queer men can relate too…… (and lust after?)

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  Technically Andrew Sedgwick Guth’s solo show at the Treadwell Gallery in PTown had ts Closing Party last night BUT we are assured by Shann Treadwell the gallery owner/curator that the show will still be hanging for the next few days.   PLUS the good news is that Treadwell whose Gallery has just enjoyed a phenomenal … Continue reading

Artist Jordan Eagles solo show BLOOD MIRROR of work provoked by FDA blood bans opens at Springfield Art Museum

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    Jordan Eagles is a New York-based artist who has a passion for blood, in particular in relation, to challenging the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s blood donation policy, which advocates suggest is biased, perpetuates stigma and homophobia, and is not in line with modern science.  Eagles has worked with blood as an artistic … Continue reading

Benjamin Weinryb Grohsgal debut art Exhibit at Studio Lacombe in PTown

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    Finding a ‘virgin’  (especially an artistic one) in Ptown these days is quite a rarity, but Studio Lacombe has found one and invited him to have his ‘debut’ this coming weekend.  Originally from NY originally Benji Weinryb Grohsga moved to Provincetown a little over 2 years ago on a whim. After studying to … Continue reading

Can You Save Superman? A new queer Virtual Art Exhibit at the Leslie-Lohman Museum

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  We can always rely on  NY’s epicenter for queer art the  Leslie-Lohman Museum of Art to mount an excellent Exhibit that reflects hot button issues of our community.  And their current Virtual one is no different. This new powerful show from NY artist Jordan Eagles   who preserves blood and through his invented process, he … Continue reading

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