
GOD SAVE THE KINK : A right royal romp of the kinkiest cabaret proportions

Posted on Categories queermatterLabels , , , , , , ,

  After the past 7 years of QUEERGURU’s existence, we are no longer shocked by what lands in our intray each day BUT we are still however surprised at how many new things are still way beyond what we thought was our very vivid imagination.  Like today for instance, when there is an event in … Continue reading

January 20th is International Fetish Day

Posted on Categories queermatterLabels , , ,

  Evidently, January 20th is a day for celebrations.  It’s National Penquin Day and International Cheese day and also International Fetish Day.  We really don’t have the time/energy for all three so we’ll focus on just one.  Fetish Day is held annually on the third Friday in January and this year, it falls on January … Continue reading

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