
Queerguru meets PTown’s (Bike) Guru

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Rik Ahlberg is a proud Provincetown ‘washashore“.  Technically nearly all of us who have settled in this tip of Cape Cod are too…… including the Pilgrims in 1620….except of course the American Indians the original.  In Ahlberg’s case it’s a term of endearment for a non-native, but sometimes it can be leveled condescendingly by people … Continue reading

Will Treese queer artisan soapmaker is cleaning up

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  Every summer the Queerguru Team decamps up North for a few months to Provincetown.  This small magical queer town on the very tip of Cape Cod is where many people, especially from our LGBTQ community, go to hopefully fulfill their dreams. One such person is Will Treese who by day helps supply the Town’s … Continue reading

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