Elska is an intriguing bi-monthly British based queer bookazine that focuses on Local Boys + Local Stories Each issue is shot in a different city, and as we have said before what queerguru loves about Elska is the fact that the images of some real looking men of all shapes and sizes that fill their … Continue reading
In London this week and at a loose end? Our tip for trying something new would be to take the bus to Walthamstow for a Sashiko+Boro – Japanese Mending Workshop. Well, it may be new to you but Boro is the age-old Japanese art of mending textiles and is literally translated as rags or scraps … Continue reading
Japanese writer Haruki Murakami enjoys a cult status among the readers of the 21st century. Director Ryusuke Hamaguchi undertook the mammoth task of adapting his short story ‘Drive My Car’ into an eponymous film. The result is soul-feeding and visually breathtaking. The film has an unmistakable life force in it that is contagious. … Continue reading