
A Simple Guide for Styling Your Home: Gay Couple Edition : Tips from Queerguru’s Peter Minkoff

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  How does it feel to live many queers’ dream and own a home with your partner? Now that you’ve made a big step forward in your relationship and started sharing a living space, it’s time to make it truly your own. If you’re not those gays with a natural talent for interior design, here … Continue reading

Drive the Change: 3 Self-Care Strategies to Personal Transformation : tips from Queerguru’s Peter Minkoff

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    In a world where self-care is often reduced to superficial indulgences, it’s essential to recognize its profound impact on personal growth and development and dealing with mental health struggles. It can help us become a better person and be a powerful catalyst for change. We’ll focus on three specific strategies that can drive … Continue reading

Everything You Need to Know About Gay Matchmaking: Tips from Queerguru’s Peter Minkoff

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  We’ve been conditioned to believe that a special person will simply appear in our lives one day. We just have to be at the right place, at the right time and once our eyes lock, that will be it. But, that only happens in movies and novels and instant attraction isn’t the sign of … Continue reading

Love Connections Between Couples: Differences Between LGBTQ and Straight Relationships : Tips from Peter Minkoff

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  Love is a universal feeling that transcends boundaries of race, gender, and sexual orientation. Every person, regardless of sexual orientation, wishes to be loved and to connect with another person. While there are similarities between the experiences of LGBTQ and straight couples, there are also differences that can impact the dynamics of their relationships. … Continue reading

Queerguru Contributing Editor PETER MINKOF with Tips for LGBTQ Students 

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  Going from high school to higher education can be a huge change for everyone, especially LGBTQ students who take much more time to get comfortable and feel safe in a new environment. The transition from a working person to a, let’s say, MBA student is also a hard one for LGBTQ business people. But … Continue reading

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