
London LGBT Homeless get its first ever Shelter

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London  LGBTQ Homeless Shelter has been given a permement home, complete with community centre, in a disused Fire Station in Shoreditch.  The Mayor Sadiq Khan pitched is some £50,000 to convert the 100 year old building which had been closed since 2014,  and which made it possible LGBTQ homelessness charity The Outside Project to proceed … Continue reading

Queer Britain : Out On The Streets

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In the third episode on the UK’s BBC new ground-breaking TV series Queer Britain presenter YouTuber and journalist Riyadh Khalaf explores the issues behind the statistic that one in four young homeless people in Britain identifies as LGBTQ+. He meets rough sleeper Damian on the streets of Birmingham, follows John as he is re-housed into a temporary flat in Scotland, and speaks … Continue reading

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