
All Star Cast lead one night celebration of LGBTQ+ Identities in New Musical Theatre at The Other Palace

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  For all you musical theater queens out there  (and you know who you are)  you’ll want to make tracks to  The Other Palace in London next month for a very special treat The University of Wolverhampton and queer musical development company Chromatic Creative have combined forces t0 produce fantasies come true: the queermusicals.com concert, … Continue reading

Michael Childer’s star studded ONE NIGHT ONLY celebrates New York, New York

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  The Show may be called ONE NIGHT ONLY but we know its inimitable gregarious producer Michael Childers has been eating, sleeping, and thinking about it since the final curtain call of the last show a year ago.  It’s a major highlight in Palm Springs’s social calendar as it not only brings such a starry … Continue reading

The indefatigable MICHAEL CHILDERS : Palm Springs (Unofficial) Cultural Attache and his 2 major Fall events

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Michael Childers actor, director, Hollywood veteran, photographer, producer, one half of an iconic gay couple described by Gore Vidal as one of the last great (queer) raconteurs is one of the busiest septuagenarians Queerguru knows.  He is not only extremely talented but extremely well-connected with legions of fans spread across the globe. In two of the … Continue reading

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