The Iris Prize LGBT+ Film Festival based in Cardiff, Wales awards the largest short film prize in the world – the prestigious £30,000 Iris Prize. It’s enough money for filmmakers to convert their shorts into full-length features like past winners like Daniel Ribeiro ‘The Way He Looks’ and Dee Rees ‘ Pariah’. This last … Continue reading
Forces is a short film from 2016 by director Dominic Poliquin that captures the intense bromance between a straight military guy and a gay football player. Friends since childhood, the boundaries of their relationship are forged and tested. It won the Grand Jury Prize for Best Short Film at its premiere at the Image+Nation … Continue reading
And you thought your day was going badly, but it’s nothing compared to Philip’s. Life’s A Bitch : a totally delightful award winning short film about love and loss written by its star Guillaume Lambert and directed by François Jaros
This very cute short film written and directed by Matt Vance is about a handsome young office worker who plans to take a relaxing lunch break in a park nearby to his office, but a very zealous street performer has plans of his own. This one will put a big smile on your face.
Here’s another of those ‘been there, done that’ queer experiences although when it happened to us it may not have seemed so fun or cute at the time. Taylor (Ben Baur) is preparing for his make-or-break third date with Chris (Daniel K. Isaac). As he is certain the evening will end up the bedroom … Continue reading