
Color Me Queer …… and Happy

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The indefatigable lesbian comedian Kristen Becker thrust a copy of this book in queerguru’s hands and told me (in her very don’t-dare-defy me voice) this is something we should know about.  And she is right.  This time anyway, but please don’t tell her I said that . She has been like a Whirling Dervisher this … Continue reading

Provincetown’s Holly Folly : It’s Beginning to Feel Like Christmas

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      If you believe that life in PTown, the gay mecca of the. very tip of Cape  Cod comes to a standstill when it empties out after Labor Day, you are so wrong.  Christmas and the whole Holiday Season are far too queer for us to miss out, especially when the town is … Continue reading

Queerguru previews QUEER COMEDY SHOWCASE a fundraiser for Summer of Sass that helps troubled queer youth

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  Kristen Becker will hate me for describing her as a pillar of the community in Provincetown.  So I won’t.  But in 2017 this rather brilliant lesbian standup comic did something few of us ever do : she actually. turned her dream of helping queer young kids into a reality.  She formed SUMMER OF SASS … Continue reading

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