
Grammys Red Carpet 2023 : where men got all the attention

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Queerguru usually doesn’t subscribe to all those Award Shows Red Carpet pics as they are so often so predictable ….. and in the case of Billy Porter a mish-mash of the worst gimmicks that somehow overshadow the fact he is a much better actor than a mere catastrophic clotheshorse desperate attention seeker.     However, … Continue reading

The Grammys : Queerguru’s Allison Ananis looks back at some of her favorite queer moments from the past

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    The Grammys have always been one of my most favorite nights of the year. As a music lover, how could it not? Some of the most iconic and memorable performances emanated from that star-studded stage. This Sunday will undoubtedly be no different.  Some of the queerest moments in recent music history have taken … Continue reading

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