The most perfect way to start the weekend off on a real high is listening to Adam Lambert‘s fab new album HIGH DRAMA which was released today. It has the Grammy-nominated singer with some inspired covers like Billie Eilish’s song ‘Getting Older’. In the video Adam is dramatically transformed, with the aid of … Continue reading
One of the highlights of QUEERGURU’s summer season in PTown is that for the past three years the legendary costume designer BOB MACKIE has very graciously allowed us to interrupt his vacation here to film an exclusive interview with us. He usually makes the pilgrimage to town to support his very good friend the jazz … Continue reading
If there was any justice in the world, 9 time Emmy Award Winner and 3 time Academy Award nominee, legendary costume designer Bob Mackie should finally be adding a Tony Award to his collection next year. He has designed all the stunning costumes for The Cher Show a new Broadway musical that tells the life … Continue reading
After being completely non-plussed at watching the painfully unfunny Mamma Mia movie ….. (even Meryl Streep makes duds from time to time) … we hardly held our breath when they announced sequel Mamma Mia 2. True this reunion of the entire cast would also include he pairing up again of the fablous Julie Walters … Continue reading
Cher ☆☆☆☆☆ The 02 Arena, London Sunday 20th October 2019 Cher’s incredible Here We Go Again Tour rolled into town at the weekend. She started in New Zealand back in September 2018 and will finish in Dallas in December 2019 having covered Australia, Europe and North America. Did we mention she is 72?!? Cher is … Continue reading