
Greg Salvatore : SAILS No Storm is Forever

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  Award-winning photographer and fine artist, Greg Salvatori who is the author of BEARDS OF NEW YORK  made PTown his home when opened his fine art gallery in 2019.  Salvatori, who lives with his husband, Edgar Award nominee writer James Polchin, and Albert, the yellow lab who loves tiaras, is a queer artist who has made … Continue reading

Public Toilets, Private Affairs : an exhibit about cottaging

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Even though gay men euphorically referred to public lavatories that they frequented for clandestine sex as ‘tearooms’ the practice of ‘cottaging’ was,  and still is, considered a shameful act by most gay men.   It was often a last resort for men who could not  express their sexuality …..think George Michael caught in a Police sting … Continue reading

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