
Kim David Smith brings his critically acclaimed show MOSTLY MARLENE back to PTown

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  Award-winning Australian cabaret performer Kim David Smith has two major obsessions (well, that he admits too). Two M’s ….as in Kyle Minogue and the late great Marlene Deitrich.  It’s mainly the latter that he shares the stage with in his smash hit show Mostly Marlene.  He has actually been labeled the “male Marlene Dietrich” … Continue reading

Kim David Smith stars as MOSTLY MARLENE for One Night Only

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  The uber-talented Kim David Smith is Back in Town.  NY that is.  And Joe’s Pub in particular.  He’s bringing his smash hit show MOSTLY MARLENE about Marlene Dietrich with more than a modicum of Kylie Minogue for One Night Only. This queer Australian cabaret performer conjures the glitter, doom, and decadence of 1920’s Berlin and beyond … Continue reading

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