
Queerguru’s Ris Fatah reviews A SHINING INTIMACY a show about theatre, queer friendships, and grief,

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  A Shining Intimacy  ★★★★ Camden Peoples Theatre : London    A Shining Intimacy is an innovative new show by performer Tom Marshman. Marshman is a storyteller and for this show, he explores queer friendships and grief, as well as the world of theatre. He highlights the special relationship between the actors, the late Kenneth … Continue reading

Revisiting JULIAN AND SANDY the original gay genius icons of camp humor

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  To every British gay man of ‘a certain age’  Julian and Sandy were the very first gay icons that were worshipped even though their fame in 1965 – 1968 was a whole year before homosexuality was legalized.  They were characters in the BBC radio comedy program Round the Horne that were beamed into all our homes … Continue reading

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