
Beats Per Minute (BPM) is a big winner – again

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Less than a month after it swept the boards of the  LUMIERE AWARDS  France’s equivalent to the Golden Globes, ROBIN CAMPILLO ’S masterful movie BPM BEATS PER MINUTE was the big winner at the César Awards (France’s Oscars) last night.   It picked up 6 Awards including the Best Film prize along with wins for editing, original screenplay, supporting actor, score and … Continue reading

BPM sweeps the boards at France’s Lumiere Awards

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  Just one week after it won GALECA’s prestigious DORIAN AWARD for Foreign Language Film, ROBIN CAMPILLO’S  masterful movie BPM BEATS PER MINUTE  seminal movie on the AIDS pandemic in France swept the boards of the LUMIERE AWARDS.  It makes up in part for the fact that the American Academy failed to put the movie on the shortlist … Continue reading

Brits always add a Touch Of Class to Award Ceremonies

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After the ‘big yawn’ of the latest around of Award Shows which were so predictable, totally unfunny (except for Chris Rock) and full of tedious speeches thanking  countless executives who none of us have ever heard off (and hardly care about) comes a perfect example of how to really accept an Award properly.   It’s … Continue reading

The Winners of the new Gay Travel Awards

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We’ve always been a tad dubious about any business claiming to the best after all the years that British Airways somewhat unilaterally declared itself ‘the world’s favorite airline’.  Even though half the queerguru team are Brits, it was never ever our pet airline …..in fact we really quite loathed it.   Although we are at best … Continue reading

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