
Color Me Queer …… and Happy

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The indefatigable lesbian comedian Kristen Becker thrust a copy of this book in queerguru’s hands and told me (in her very don’t-dare-defy me voice) this is something we should know about.  And she is right.  This time anyway, but please don’t tell her I said that . She has been like a Whirling Dervisher this … Continue reading

Queerguru previews QUEER COMEDY SHOWCASE a fundraiser for Summer of Sass that helps troubled queer youth

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  Kristen Becker will hate me for describing her as a pillar of the community in Provincetown.  So I won’t.  But in 2017 this rather brilliant lesbian standup comic did something few of us ever do : she actually. turned her dream of helping queer young kids into a reality.  She formed SUMMER OF SASS … Continue reading

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