
Gay Life in the 1950s’ Cherry Grove on Fire Island

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  The New-York Historical Society is about to launch an exhibit of  SAFE/HAVEN: GAY LIFE IN 1950s CHERRY GROVE.  This OUTDOOR photographic Exhibit will give an intimate look at one of the first gay beach towns in the United States.  It explores mid-20th-century gay life in Fire Island’s remote hamlet of Cherry Grove, located on … Continue reading

Safe/Haven: Gay Life in 1950s Cherry Grove

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  Thanks to Sen. Joseph McCarthy’s ‘Lavender Scare’ culture, the 1950s’ became one of the most homophobic times in American history.   McCarthy  and his people created a world in which gay people were persecuted and ostracized both at work and at home.  After President Eisenhower’ issued an Executive ORder “sexual perversion”  it became grounds for the investigation … Continue reading

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