
In Spain, an ex gay porn star can get Elected Mayor ….. as long as they are not too conservative!

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    Whilst here is the US we are (still) debating the fact that we have a porn-star-affeciando grasping his way for his (unlikely?) return to the White House, we think instead we should adopt what some Spanish Town has done.  I.E. elect an actual gay (ex) Porn Star to be in charge . The … Continue reading

Spain : a week of Bears, leather, fetish and sleaze in the Sun

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  You should be heading to Spain this weekend if you are a Bear/Bearlover or just want to be sleazy.  For the past 19 years this the time of year for SLEAZY MADRID PARTY. Literally hundreds of men flock to Spain’s capital for the most important fetish electronic music festival in the South of Europe.  … Continue reading

The Latest from Spain : a queer Matador and a hot muscular Jesus

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    The news from the queer community in Spain this week is good………. and also not so good.  The former was when 31-year-old Mario Alcalde came out as pansexual in an interview with Spanish newspaper El Mundo.   It makes him Spain’s first openly LGBTQ+ matador and he is hoping that more people in the bullfighting industry will come … Continue reading

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