
Dev Patel’s MONKEY MAN :a thriller about a fight club and the desire for retribution, but it’s also about the trans community in India.

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  Its rare that a Hollywood blockbuster touches on anything remotely LGBTQ, but Universal Pictures is about release Monkey Man a thriller about a fight club and the desire for retribution, but it’s also about the trans community in India. The movie is the directing debut of Dev Patel (Slumdog Millionaire)  who is also the co-writer … Continue reading

Netuser: a new short queer thriller streaming online

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  Queer writer/director Eric Rosen’s new short thriller film NETUSER all started to formulate in his mind last year after he had a nightmare. “I had dreamed that [then candidate] Pete Buttigieg was assassinated,” says Rosen. “I woke from it really shaken. I couldn’t lose it. At the same time, I was having these conversations … Continue reading

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