The Bus Driver is short documentary film produced by The Scottish Documentary Institute and directed by Ku Ki. Released in May 2024, it follows a day in the life of a trans bus driver and his wife as they try to make a living in a country beset by curfews and power cuts. … Continue reading
If its not bad enough for us in the LGBTQA+ community to have keep the struggle going for full equal rights, its actually nothing less than despicable when people/corporations that exsist because of us, then start to cherry pick which parts of the queer community they will support, and which they will not. The … Continue reading
DARBY AND THE DEAD, directed by SILAS HOWARD, is an LGBTQ+ historic landmark as one of the first (and likely the first) studio-made films directed by an out trans masculine LGBTQ+ filmmaker. It is about to be screened in the new LTBTQIA+ film series QUEER RHAPSODY taking place in multiple city-wide venues in Los Angeles July 19 – 28, 2024. Important for its inclusivity both in front of and behind the camera,
DARBY is a sly LGBTQ+ allegory of outsiders struggling to fit in, and finding unlikely friendships amid the universal challenges of joys of finding belonging. After the (temporary?) demise of OUTFEST, Queer Rhapsody was motivated by a need to ‘create art spaces for communal engagement for queer identities under fire’,” said series organizer May Hong HaDuong, director of the UCLA Film and Television Archive. Silas talked abut this and his most impressive resume of queer movies and TV series with QUEERGURU ….. even touching on his latest work, directing some episodes for a brand new queer TV series for Netflix
Just as you think there can’t possibly be many more high-profile queer figures from the past for film makers to profile, up pops another compelling documentary. This time the spotlight shines on pioneering 1960s Black trans soul musician/performer Jackie Shane. Any Other Way – The Jackie Shane Story details the extraordinary journey of … Continue reading
Marval A Rex’s resume reveals he is an actor, writer, actor, comedian, astrologer and heartthrob! When we we caught up with him we found out that this strikingly articulate trans-masculine filmmaker is also disarmingly charming.
He has just co-written and co starred in SPOOKABLE a humorous offbeat trans werewolf horror story which premieres this Sunday June 23 as part of Frameline’s Fun In Shorts short film program. Queerguru’s reviewer Ris Fatah had declared the film ‘a real gem” so we were keen to talk to him about his entertaining wee film that was made by a trans cast and a trans crew.