
JACK TRACY on History

  Jack Tracy the creator/director/star of the hit #LGBT web series #History from Necessary Outlet shares with us all the drama/hilarity of dating (& breaking up) in NY that is at the heart of his funny show. Both Season 1 and the new Season 2 are now available to view for FREE on YouTube The interview with Roger Walker-Dack for queerguru tv was … Continue reading

Jack Tracy Plans an Orgy

  When we filmed an interview with Jack Tracy the creator of #History the much acclaimed #LGBT webseries from Necessary Outlet, he shared an hilarious Behind The Scenes Story about filming a (fake) orgy scene. Take a look. P.S. the full edited interview with him will be ‘live’ very soon.

Jack Tracy talks about ‘DANNY WILL PROBABLY DIE ALONE’ his fabulously funny new web series based on his own roller coaster dating life

    Every time actor, writer, director JACK TRACY thinks he has met the man of his dreams, he throws himself to this  latest love match really believing that this time its Mr Right.  Sadly for Jack it usually turns out that it isn’t even Mr Right Now,  but (dare I say) this latest experience … Continue reading

Jake Graf – The Man of the Moment – talks with Roger Walker-Dack

Trans filmmaker, actor, and activist Jake Graf — one of the brightest stars and advocates of the transgender community — has just appeared in the Award-Winning movie The Danish Girl. Jake now seems to be everywhere: posing on magazine front covers and writing inside them too. We tracked him down to London via Facetime to … Continue reading

Jake Wolff on The History of LIving Forever

  Queerguru talks to English Professor #JakeWolff about his debut novel THE HISTORY OF LIVING FOREVER an ambitious queer romance/thriller that has been getting rave reviews. The interview conducted by @Roger Walker-Dack was filmed by Dan Desjardins at Miami Book Fair

Posted by queerguru  at  01:13


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