
Paul Oremland talks to Queerguru about MYSTERIOUS WAYS a heart-pulling love story between a NZ Priest and his Samoan BF

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During almost three decades in London queer NZ filmmaker PAUL OREMLAND worked mainly on documentaries and a couple of feature films , one of which was LIKE IT IS a gritty queer boxing story that was one of Queerguru’s fave films of 1998.

When he first arrived back in NZ he treated us to 100 MEN a warts-and-all doc on gay history which he recounted and revisited through all the shags he had over that time : (so worth watching1) Now he has filmed a new feature film MYSTERIOUS WAYS a heart-pulling love story between an Anglican Priest and his Samoan lover who want to get married ,and in Church.

When Queerquru’s Jose Mayorga reviewed this controversial movie he wrote : ‘Mysterious Ways manages miraculously where a little prayer makes the world more fair, where love and respect take the place of double-dealing and unkindness’

We wanted to know more, and once we worked out the 16 hour time difference (!). we woke Paul up one morning to film this zoom interview




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