
Christopher Schaap : an old-fashion romantic in a young soul

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Once in a blue moon when we are ploughing through our usual packed schedule of movies to review, we come across a wee gem that hails an extraordinary new talent that gets us more than a little excited. Discovering that this particular new find wrote, directed and starred in his first feature, but who is barely out of college, makes it all even more remarkable.  Prom King, 2010 is already being hailed as one of the best new LGBT movies of 2017, and queerguru talked to its creator being hailed as the new wunderkind : Christopher Schaap.  He is an old-fashion romantic in a young soul.

The interview via Facetime was filmed and edited by Roger Walker-Dack for “queerguru reports” for PTV’s Channel 99. 

P.S. for queerguru’s full review of the movie click HERE

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