
Peter Groom talks about his smash hIt one (wo)man show DIETRICH: NATURAL DUTY as it heads for Edinburgh Fringe Festival

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Photo by Monir-El-Haimar


On the eve of the multi-talented Brit performer PETER GROOM opening his smash hit one (wo)man show  DIETRICH: NATURAL DUTY to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, he very excitedly talked to Queerguru about it and his total fascination with the legendary MARLENE DIETRICH

The show uses music, stories and songs – including Falling in Love Again, Lili Marlene, Where Have All the Flowers Gone?, Boys in the Backroom, Lola – to reveal a Hollywood icon’s extraordinary commitment to duty, and is an intoxicating mix of theatre, cabaret and drag

Created and performed by Peter Groom. Co-written and directed by Oliver Gully.   Dietrich: Natural Duty  will run at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival at Pleasance  Aug 1 – 27 at 3.30pm (1 hour)



Here is Queerguru’s review of the London Show  http://c3f.ab6.myftpupload.com/2018/01/an-intoxicating-mix-of-theatre-cabaret-drag-reveals-a-hollywood-icons-extraordinary-commitment-to-duty

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