
C. Fitz talks about Jewel’s Catch One

For 42 years Jewel Thais-Williams ran Catch One  the first African-American female-owned disco in Los Angeles which provided an inclusive, exuberant and one-of-a-kind environment for gays of color to party in. It became so much more that as Jewel sought to offer a welcoming alternative, a place for expression and celebration that was a refuge … Continue reading

Cabaret singer Seth Sikes is bringing all his favorite ‘ladies’ back to PTown

  NY Cabaret singer Seth Sikes was in Ptown briefly before the summer season to fulfill a long-held fantasy of his. He got to perform Judy Garland’s famous Trolley Song whilst whizzing around town on the Mayflower Trolley. Now he is coming back to PTown with more of his favorite ladies: besides Judy there is … Continue reading

Cacophony Daniel’s stunning PTown Debut at PIlgrim House

  The Bistro Awards Winner Cacophony Daniels (aka Broadway JERSEY BOYS‘ Frank Valli) had a stunning #PTOWN Debut at Pilgrim House last night with her new show WANNA BETTE a live singing cabaret tribute to the one and only Bette-Midler.  Here’s a glimpse of what you missed, and what you can catch again on her Closing Night Friday 16th August : you’ll … Continue reading

CACOPHONY DANIELS is about to lose her PTown Virginity

The Bistro Awards Winner Cacophony Daniels (aka Broadway Jersey Boys‘ Frank Valli) is making her #PTown Debut at Pilgrim House with her new show WANNA BETTE a live singing cabaret tribute to the one and only Bette Midler.  Always the loudest girl in the room, singer, actress, over-the-top-drag diva Cacophony called QUEERGURU via Facetime and could hardly contain herself talking about … Continue reading

Cacophony Daniels is Drag Dad

  Broadway singer/actor Courter Simmons is bringing his alter-ego the fabulous Cacophony Daniels for his new show #DRAGDAD to the Pilgrim House for Provincetown Family Week (plus he’s bringing his own husband and son too) Queerguru caught up with them to get all the lowdown before they left NY.

Posted by queerguru  at  01:13


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