
Bobbi Jo Hart talks about Rebels on Pointe with queerguru

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Bobbi Jo Hart is the director of the new movie Rebels on Pointe which is the first documentary that has gone behind the scenes of the world-famous all-male (and all-gay) ballet company Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo. It’s a wonderful heartwarming tale of how this Company has not just survived for over 40 years doing their delightful parodies of romantic and classical ballets that have not just won them fans all over the world, but how they have become one of the oldest (and happiest) LGBT organizations.

On the eve of the movie’s East Coast Premiere at Miami’s OUTshine Festival Bobbi sat down with Roger Walker-Dack for queerguru reports on PTV’s Channel 99 to talk about what making this film meant to her.   The interview at the Albion Hotel, Miami Beach was filmed by Douglas C. Lance of www.fotonoggin.com

For queerguru’s full review of the movie http://c3f.ab6.myftpupload.com/2017/04/rebels-on-pointe


Filmmaker Jake Graf talks about ‘Dusk’ & trans issues and more

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On the eve of the World Premiere of his new movie DUSK at Boston’s Wicked Queer Film Festival trans filmmaker and activist Jake Graf talked to queerguru for PTV’s Channel 99.  As it was International Transgender Day of Visibility the interview covered not just Dusk, and Graf’s recent viral hit Headspace, but also about some of the issues that the trans community are still facing.

This queerguru reports was filmed via Facetime by Roger Walker-Dack


queerguru meets The Virgin Xtravaganzah

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For our next queerguru reports for P.T.V. Channel 99 we got to interview a real religious icon, Mary Mother of God herself who is now living in London and known as The Virgin Xtravaganzah. She tells Mary’s story through a whole series of pop songs re-written with some scandalous lyrics.  Here then is a teaser trailer of our report that will be broadcast on P.T.V very soon.


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Five years ago I got to film my very first interview.  Talk about starting at the very top as my guest was LARRY KRAMER the legendary outspoken gay activist, playwright, author, film producer, and public health advocate.  He was also a  personal hero of mine too.

Larry was in Provincetown with his husband the architectural designer David Webster for the screening on a new documentary of his life Larry Kramer in Love and Anger,  directed by his friend Jean Carlomusto.  Though very frail at the time he generously agreed to the interview that the crew of PTV filmed in his hosts garden.

I was as nervous as hell facing the great man that I had admired from afar for so long.  As a AIDS widower I was so indebted for his unceasing work at ACT UP  and GMHC to help all of us affected by that epidemic, and as gay man had been so utterly moved by reading The Normal Heart and Faggots.

I needn’t have worried Larry is the most generous of men and never let on if he recognised my total inexperience.  I remember distinctly the pleasure I had of making him laugh more than once, and making one of my camera crew cry. 

That afternoon will always forever stay  with me, and now that it has just been announced that Larry Kramer died today at the age of 84, I’m sharing this interview again to remember (to paraphrase writer/actor David Drake) The Day I Met Larry Kramer.  May He Rest In Peace  

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