
Filmmaker MARCO CALVANI talks about his debut feature film HIGH TIDE a queer love story in PTown

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Some 18 months ago Italian/American queer filmmaker Marco Calvani unexpectedly found himself staying in Provincetown for 6 months in the off season. This is the time of year when this gay mecca at the tip of Cape Cod, is completely empty of all the summer tourists and has a full time population of just 3000 souls. Its when Calvani fell in love …… with the town that is …. and the result is that he ended up writing/directing High Tide his debut feature film.

I’m not sure how Calvani pulled it off but for a small budget feature (shot in just 14 days) with some remarkable performances, with an exceptional one from the remarkably talented Marco Pigossi, (the actual real-life BF of Calvani) the real star is Provincetown.

Queerguru caught up with Calvani and actor James Bland when he was in Ptown for the film’s World Premiere to get  all the lowdown.  The interview was filmed by Dan Desjardins

Sheree Marcelle and Mike Flanagan talk about SHEREEFER MADNESS and making their PTOWN HALL DEBUT

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Sheree Marcelle is an award-winning singer and performer currently residing in Boston and performing this summer at the Post Office Cabaret in Provincetown. Last year she starred in tributes to ADELE and WHITNEY HOUSTON but this year her show is SHEREEFER MADNESS and is all about her own remarkable talent as she belts out such a wide range of her favorites from show tunes to opera.

She performs with her musical director Mike Flanagan and they both talked to QUEERGURU about their weekly shows and their very special upcoming Debut at Provincetown TOWN HALL





Actor Luke Philip Bosco talks about appearing in the PROVINCETOWN TENNESSEE WILLIAMS THEATER FESTIVAL

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The annual TENNESSEE WILLIAMS THEATER FESTIVAL is one of THE cultural highlights of PROVINCETOWN’s year. This celebration of the work of this legendary American writer honors the fact he spent 4 summers here in the 1940’s and created some of his finest work here. During this time he fell in love with a young man named KIp , and some 40 years later he wrote about it in SOMETHING CLOUDY SOMETHING CLEAR.

This is part of the 2024 program ,and so Queerguru caught up with actor Luke Philip Bosco who has been cast to play the part of Kip. He has also been cast in one of William’s most well known plays THE GLASS MENAGARIE that will also playing in repertoire in this years Festival.

This is also proving to be a red-letter year for Luke as his second movie JANET PLANET is just about to be released ….so we had a lot to talk about.


SEP 26 - SEP 29
Provincetown Tennessee Williams Theater Festival 2024


BOY RADIO about to star in THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW in Provincetown dishes with Queerguru

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Talk about inspired casting, but tor the Provincetown Theater’s 50th Anniversary Production of the cult classic THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW , director David Drake chose BOY RADIO. 

When we met the 6′ 5″ strikingly handsome actor, model, singer, performer we very quickly grasped how perfect he will be as Frank-N-Furter.  Oozing with charm and with a wicked sense of humor, he is quick to share his passion for his new role …. and being in Provincetown too.

This is not his first time on a PTown stage but you may not recognize his face from before as he was scantly clad starring in a boylesque show MALE CALL.

Until the show opens on July 15th, as well as rehearsals, he is keeping himself and you can see so much more of him in Spookey’s Helltown Show at Post Office Cabaret and also starring in Eric Lesh’s LIfe Drawing Classes in his Gallery When he talked with QUEERGURU we learnt a great deal about the charismatic actor, the most surprising part is that HE IS SINGLE

The Rocky Horror Show July 15 – September 5, 2024 Mondays – Thursdays at 7 pm https://www.provincetowntheater.org/

Brent Hartinger and Michael Jensen have both got a big set of balls.

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Brent Hartinger and Michael Jensen have both got a big set of balls. On that fateful night back in 2016 when Donald Trump won the Presidency this gay married couple decided it was time to up and leave the USA. They weren’t alone as up and down the country thousands of us made the same decision : the difference being, Brent and Michael did it, whilst we sat home and whined.

So they sold up their house in Seattle (within 1 month) and since 2017 they have been globe trotters …… or as they call it ‘digital nomads‘ . Queerguru caught up with these writer/travelers when they were in Istanbul, Turkey …..which in itself concerned us but I very quickly learned this was so wrong.  The  charismatic couple told me that one of their major discoveries is that  THE WORLD IS NOT A SCARY PLACE.   Also wherever in the world they have been they have learnt how very important to every single queer community ….now matter how distant, or how religious , that they visit to show their solidarity.

Theirs is  a remarkable uplifting story that we feel honored to be able to share, and if you like to know more then you can subscribe to their newsletter at https://www.brentandmichaelaregoingpl…

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