
Miss Richfield 1981 wants you to know that she is Born Again

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queerguru sat down with the outrageously funny Miss Richfield 1981 ostensibly to talk about her new show #BORNAGAIN at her new summer home on Provincetown at The Pilgrim House but the Queen of Shade couldn’t hold back dishing on so much more. 

And this is only Part One as later that same day we filmed her filming a Facebook Live at Hook Provincetown that we will post very soon.

Miss Richfield 1981 :40 Years on the Throne

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Sitting down with the incomparable Miss Richfield 1981 is an annual treat for the QUEERGURU Team. We were there to find out more about Miss Richfield 1981 “40 Years On The Throne” when we could get a word in. She is one of the most hysterically funny and talented performers we have ever had the pleasure of meeting: check out the video BUT do not miss her show at Pilgrim House or her online Bingo Bonanza



P.S. You may also want to check out : 


Miss Richfield 1981 and her Twenty Summers in Ptown

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It has become something of an annual treat for Queerguru to sit down with the indomitable Miss Richfield 1981 even though she is not averse to aiming a few barbs at us, We went to talk about her brand-new show, “Cancel Cultured Pearls”, which is a guide to surviving our sensitive, new world. She’s singing and dancing and celebrating this new cancel culture thing! A

As it is also her 20th Anniversary appearing in #Ptown where she is considered as Drag Royalty, we simply couldn’t meet up at the Pilgrim House empty-handed




Miss Richfield 1981 hosts PATIO 15th Annual Carnival Drag Brunch and scores big bucks for H.O.W.

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Miss Richfield 1981 hosts 15th Annual Drag Brunch at Patio in Provincetown


For the past 15 years the ANNUAL DRAG BRUNCH at PATIOS AMERICAN BAR & GRILL has become one of the highlights of PROVINCETOWN CARNIVAL WEEK.  This fundraising event for Helping Our Women hosted by the indefatigable MISS RICHFIELD 1981 who relentlessly threw shade at EVERYONE helping raise over $250000 (even before today’s $60K+ is . added).

With its packed room full of creatively dressed queens who have traveled far and wide to attend and to watch some ‘spirited’ and decidedly amateurish performances, this sold-out Brunch is a riot from start to finish.

Queerguru’s Dan Desjardins was there to film the whole event,and our team not only nominated it as one of our favorite Carnival Events, but thanks to Joachim Sandbichler and the entire Patio team, it is also one of the best run events too.





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Miss Richfield 1981 has Something to Say …..

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The Season may be coming to an end here in #Ptown but its not totally quiet yet especially in the East End as Miss Richfield 1981 IS STILL HERE. She has just TWO SHOWS LEFT and if you are thinking of going to see her then jog down to the Pilgrim House NOW. We were there on Saturday and is was not only SOLD OUT but they had to turn away about 20 people seeking tickets.

We talked with the Star earlier this summer ……well actually she talked to us!!! Never one lost for words watch this hilarious interview which was such a joy to film.

Filmed by Dan Desjardins for QUEERGURU TV

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