
Never keep up with the Joneses. Drag them down to your level

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  Great news if you live in Europe or your computer can play Region 2 DVD’s as next week sees the release of a fully restored high definition version of The Naked Civil Servant, unquestionably one of queerguru’s  favorite classic queer movies. From 1976, it tells the remarkable true story of Quentin Crisp, self-proclaimed England’s … Continue reading

Oh Deary Me : It's The High Life

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Years before actor Alan Cumming had his breakthrough performance on Broadway playing the M.C. in ‘Cabaret’ and picking up Tony and Drama Desk Awards, he was back in Scotland writing and starring in a very low budget TV situation comedy that became a camp classic. With fellow actor Forbes Masson he created ‘The High Life’ that followed … Continue reading

Uranian Dreams: Two classic 1970s Homosexual Films by Eloy de la Iglesia coming to Blu-ray and DVD on August 29th

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Queerguru are VERY BIG fans of Altered Innocence queer film distributors who are dedicated to releasing LGBTQ & Coming-of-Age films with an artistic edge.  Their latest home video release is Uranian Dreams: Two Homosexual Films by Eloy de la Iglesia, a pioneering gay and socialist Spanish filmmaker.  Adeptly combining genre and social critique, Eloy de la … Continue reading

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