
Uranian Dreams: Two classic 1970s Homosexual Films by Eloy de la Iglesia coming to Blu-ray and DVD on August 29th

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Queerguru are VERY BIG fans of Altered Innocence queer film distributors who are dedicated to releasing LGBTQ & Coming-of-Age films with an artistic edge.  Their latest home video release is Uranian Dreams: Two Homosexual Films by Eloy de la Iglesia, a pioneering gay and socialist Spanish filmmaker.  Adeptly combining genre and social critique, Eloy de la … Continue reading

The Belles of St Trinians : the Brit classic farce is now on Blu-Ray

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  After just reviewing The Courier a British spy thriller set in the 1960’s, we are going further back in time to the 1950’s for a classic British farce that is just being released on Blu Ray.  Exactly why Independent film studio Film Movement are resurrecting is unsure.  This quintessential British post-world-war-2 movie will no … Continue reading

Never keep up with the Joneses. Drag them down to your level

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  Great news if you live in Europe or your computer can play Region 2 DVD’s as next week sees the release of a fully restored high definition version of The Naked Civil Servant, unquestionably one of queerguru’s  favorite classic queer movies. From 1976, it tells the remarkable true story of Quentin Crisp, self-proclaimed England’s … Continue reading

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