Another trailer has been released of La La Land a new musical in which Mia (Emma Stone), an aspiring actress, falls for Sebastian (Ryan Gosling), a dedicated jazz musician, who are both are struggling to make ends meet in a city known for crushing hopes and breaking hearts. The movie written and directed by Damien Chazelle … Continue reading
This gentleman with the rather most outrageous hairstyle is in a rather déclassé nightclub inhabited by a mix of swanky dressed swells and rough looking sailors. He is listening to Rita La Roy a movie star of the early talking pictures, as she croons “Gay Love” to the crowd in the 1929 film “The Delightful … Continue reading
Each year the gay community are canvassed for votes by candidates vying to become an Emperor or Empress of The Imperial Court of San Francisco. It is the oldest surviving LGBT charity organization in the United States getting to enter its higher echelons is one of the most sought after and prestigious honors in the … Continue reading
Out gay Muslim filmmaker Parvez Sharma wanted some answers as he struggled with his sexuality within his own faith so he went on a holy pilgrimage to Mecca. By doing so he very bravely took his own life in his hands by not just being in Saudi Arabia where homosexuals are still beheaded for simply … Continue reading
Fox Searchlight has just released a clip of Wes Anderson’s highly anticipated new stop-motion movie ISLE OF DOGS. Set in a dystopian future Japan, where dogs have all been quarantined on a remote island because of a “canine flu”, Isle of Dogs follows the adventures of five local dogs — Chief, Rex, Boss, Duke and King — when their … Continue reading