
Christian Louboutin L’ Exhibition(iste) …. the Man With The Red Soles

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  If  you are in Paris between now and 26th July 2020 an exhibition that must be on your list to go see is the Christian Louboutin, a major display of the work of this most iconic shoe designer. The exhibition showcases his work and influences from his early years until now. Born on the … Continue reading

Dazzled by Dior : the Designer of Dreams …. queerguru goes to Paris

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  Its been a while since the ever-hungry fashion world longed for such a spectacle of an exhibition! Dior: Couturier du Rêve, Designer of Dreams gave us that and a bit more besides. Christian Dior, one of the most traditional of French houses, has been through a rather “shaky” path ever since the Galliano years, … Continue reading

Elska Magazine featuring beautifully ordinary local men from The City of Lights

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    It came quite a surprise to us when we realized that with all the globe-trotting Editor/Photographer In Chief Liam Campbell has done over the years he had never featured Paris and the rather wonderful Frenchmen who live there in ELSKA. We love The City of Lights so much that QUEERGURU has our very … Continue reading

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