You Tube
Brighton Out Of The Closet. a BBC doc series from 2001 about being queer in this UK seaside Town
Brighton is a seaside town on England’s South Coast that was put on the map by the rather grand Royal Pavilion built in 1787 by the Prince of Wales as a summer retreat. However, it wasn’t this connection that made the town a desirable residence for gay men as they had been arriving there…
Banished by the Bigots of YOU TUBE …. but with your continued support QUEERGURU is Bouncing Back
Last week in a rare opinion piece, QUEERGURU raised its grave concern about how queer sites like ours are now the target of self-appointed censors of public morality who are determined to inflict their personal (religious) beliefs on the world at large. We pointed out that this so reeks of rampant homophobia, something we…
Micah McLaurin is the most exotic talented virtuoso pianist with a passion for somewhat outrageous fashion
Micah McLaurin is the most exotic virtuoso pianist we have ever come across. He combines his unparalleled talent as a romantic musician with his passion for somewhat outrageous fashion. At first glance, we assumed he hailed from a distant glamourous galaxy but it turned out he is from Charleston, South Carolina. After training at…
INTERESTED IN the deeply touching and hilarious coming-of-age web series is BACK with SERIES 2
We have no idea how we let the first web series of INTERESTED IN slip by our eagle-eyed team of reviewers, but now we have discovered Series 2 that has just kicked off on YouTube we have become totally addicted. Created by its star NY-based actor, writer and director Michael Witkes …. who’s alter-ego…