Back to Australia with another coming-of-age queer drama. Heart of the Man explores the life of Queensland-based 18-year-old amateur boxer Chris Wundurra (Parker Little). Under the very watchful eye of the previously successful ex-boxer, ‘The Wonder Man’ now turned coach, father Sammy (David Cook), Chris is religiously training for his first proper fight. The … Continue reading
Australia’s rough, macho culture is examined from a queer perspective in Sunflower, a tough coming-of-age, coming-out drama set in the suburbs of Melbourne. Director/writer Gabriel Carrubba’s debut introduces us to Leo (Liam Mollica), a handsome, strapping seventeen-year-old high school student. His home is a working-class Greek-Italian household with his truck driver dad (Sal Galofaro), mum … Continue reading
RILEY is a beautiful coming-of-age tale set in contemporary, suburban Southern California. Based on writer/director BENJAMIN HOWARD‘s own experiences as a high-school athlete who’s not out yet, he has been able to draw on all those angst-ridden situations we face as closeted teenagers. This is writer/director’s debut feature and he talked with Queerguru on the eve of the movie’s screening at Miami’s OUTshine Film Festival
P.S. You can check out Queerguru’s full review of RILEY ….HERE
Sometimes a movie comes along that is surprising, and delightful because of it. Unspoken, written and directed by Jeremy Borison, is one of those. A coming of age and coming out story, a holocaust themed movie, a romance and mystery all rolled into one. And maybe none of them as well. Which is … Continue reading
FIRST LOVE LIGHTS THE FIRE IN YOUR HEART, SWEET LIKE HONEY, SENDS YOU SPINNING AROUND… This fictional story begins with a man singing those lyrics, and they introduce us to the young hearts of the protagonists. Fourteen-year-old Eli as (Lou Goossens) is growing up in a nice European family and has the loving care of … Continue reading