
A Fantastic Woman

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Sebastián Lelio’s extraordinary wonderful new movie gets to the very core of Chilean society’s inbred homophobia and transphobia that threatens the very existence of Marina  (Daniela Vega) the protagonist simply because they resent the very fact that she had been the light of her dead lover’s life.  The movie opens with 57-year-old Orlando (Francisco Reyes) getting ready … Continue reading

And Then There Was Eve

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  Savannah Bloch ‘s   feature film directing debut (which she also co-wrote with Colette Freedman) is an intriguing drama which requires us to be circumspect with our review to avoid giving away the major surprising plot twist. This is the story of Alyssa (Tania Nolan) a successful photographer who wakes up one morning to find … Continue reading


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Bringing any work of fiction involving a transgender character to the screen these days can often be fraught with consequences that can overshadow the movie itself.  Whereas not too long ago Eddie Redmayne received an Oscar nomination for starring in The Danish Girl, and then Jared Leto won an Oscar for playing a trans woman … Continue reading

At The End Of Evin (all that glitters ……) an Iranian thriller reviewed by Queerguru’s Ris Fatah

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Amen, (Mehri Kazemi) is an Iranian transgender teenager, who has moved to Tehran from a small town, and is looking to transition to a woman. Amen is introduced to Naser, (the very handsome Madhi Pakdel), a wealthy man, who offers to pay for Amen’s gender reassignment surgery. He needs one simple favor in return. Since … Continue reading

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