
NEWFEST Pride NY ; a 5 day Festival with an ecletic program of queer films

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    NewFest Pride in NY is a 5-day festival event celebrating our community’s legacy and exciting contemporary stories! Featuring premiere screenings, conversations, and parties the Fest is a moment to gather and revel in our rich community’s past, present, and future. NewFest Pride kicks off June Ist with what has already become one of … Continue reading

Queerguru reviews FAIRYLAND an excellent film about a gay dad and his daughter growing up in SF in the 70s and 80s

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  Although it’s over 30 years since the AIDS pandemic decimated the queer community it’s still a very raw memory for so many of us. In the new millennium, we were inundated with fictional movies on the subject, and the majority of them were appalling. Sensationalized, morbid, alarmist, and even excuses to promote rampant homophobia.  … Continue reading

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