
All Male, All Nude (and All Disappointing)

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No matter what its management may hype it up as, Swinging Richards is just another Strip Club.  Albeit an all male one where each night some 72 dancers get totally naked to play ‘helicopters’ with their large flaccid penises right in the faces of their very willing mostly-male audiences. It is evidently the only club … Continue reading

Always Say Yes : will get this country boy a great deal of action

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  This latest queer movie from Chilean filmmaker Alberto Fuguet takes a very fine line between sexual fantasy and actual pornography .   It’s the story of young Hector  (Gerardo Torres Rodríguez) who leaves his rural him in Hermosillo  for the bright lights of Mexico City where he has hopes of being chosen  to pose naked … Continue reading

Angels With Tethered Wings

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It seems like Steven Vasquez the director/writer/cinematographer/editor wants to corner the market in low-budget gay horror mystery movies the rate he is turning them out these days. This new one like his last recent one (Errodity) is essentially another piece of soft-core pornography but this time with an extended and tangled plot, and where the script is as … Continue reading

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