
Caer (Caught) is an extraordinary hybrid film about the plight of trans-Latina sex workers

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  Caer (Caught) is an extraordinary film that takes an unusual approach to highlight a very serious problem.  Australian-based filmmaker Nicola Mai’s remarkable hybrid documentary is about drawing our attention to the problematic situation facing trans-Latina sex workers in Queens NY. Mai chooses to do this by merging fiction and documentary, and this way he … Continue reading

Queerguru’s Ris Fatah reviews THE CELLULOID BORDELLO which analyses the history of the portrayal of Hollywood’s on-screen hookers.

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    Since the dawn of the movie industry, filmmakers have been fascinated with sex workers. From early Twentieth Century movies such as 1900s The Girl Who Went Astray, through to countless classic films from our lifetimes, such as Midnight Express, Pretty Woman and Risky Business, hookers, hustlers, call girls, rent-boys, strippers and street-walkers have been … Continue reading

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